Published Work
Books and Edited Journal Issues
Thoms, M.C., Rose, T., Dyer, F. (2020). Riverine landscapes, water development and management: A view from down-under. River Research and Applications, 36.
Pingram, M., Price, J., Thoms, M.C., (2019). Integrating multiple values in the study and management of river systems. River Research and Applications, 35.
Thoms, M.C., Sheldon, F., (2019). Large river ecosystems. River Research and Applications, 35.
Butler, D.R., Julian, J.P., Meitzen, K., Thoms, M.C., (2018). Bio-geomorphology and Resilience Thinking. Geomorphology, 305.
Gilvear, D.J., Greenwood, M.W., Thoms, M.C., Wood, P.A., (2016). River Science, Management and Policy for 21st Century. Wiley.
Delong, M.A., Hein, T., Thoms, M.C., (2015). Human modification to riverine landscapes. River Systems.
Stone, M., Collins, A., Thoms, M.C., (2012). Wildfire and Water Quality: Processes, Impacts and Challenges¸ International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 354.
Peters, N., Krysanova, V., Lepisto, A., Prasad, R., Thoms, M.C., Wibly, R., Zandaryaa, S., (2011). Water Quality: Current Trends and Expected Climate Change Impacts. International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 348.
Thoms, M.C., Heal, K, Beogh, E., Chambel, A., Smakhtin, V., (2009). Ecohydrology of surface and groundwater dependant systems: Concepts, methods and recent developments. Editors of International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 328.
Thorp, J.H., Thoms, M.C., Delong, M.D., (2008). The Riverine Ecosystem Synthesis. San Diego, California, Elsevier. 210pp.
Thoms, M.C., Renschler, C., Doyle, M (2007) Geomorphology and Ecosystems. Elsevier, 239p
Thoms, M.C., (2006) Variability in riverine environments. River Research and Applications, 22.
Thoms, M.C., Dyer, F., Walker, K.F (2005). Ninth International Symposium on Regulated Streams. River Research and Applications, 21.
Dyer, F., Thoms, M.C., Olley, J (2002). The structure and function of highly variable fluvial systems. International Association of Hydrological Sciences 227.
Thoms, M.C., Sheldon, F. (2000). Lowland river ecosystems. Regulated River: Research and Management, 17.
Norris, R.N., Thoms, M.C (1999) River Health. Freshwater Biology, 41.
Thoms, M.C, Gordon, A., Tatnell, W (1997). Researching the Barwon Darling, Editors, CRC for Freshwater Ecology.
Thoms, M.C., Erskine, W.E. (1995). Human impact on Australian river systems. Australian Geographical Studies.
Hirsch, P., Thoms, M.C., (1994). Australasian Geography in the 1990’s. Editors, NSW Geography Teachers Association, Sydney. 132 pp.
Thoms, M.C. (1993). (ed.): Catchments and Coasts in Eastern Australia, Dept. of Geography, University of Sydney, Monograph Series No 5.
Refereed Articles
Elgueta,A., Gorski, K., Thoms, M.C., Fierro, P., Toldeo, B., Manosalva, A., Habit, E., (2021). Interplay of geomorphology and hydrology drivers macroinvertebrate assemblage response to hydropeaking. Science of the Total Environment, 768, 144262.
Shilpakar, R., Thoms, M.C., Reid, M.A., (2021). The resilience of a floodplain vegetation landscape. Landscape Ecology, 36, 139-157. doi:10.1007/s10980-020-01127-0.
DeBoer, J.A., Thoms, M.C., Lamer, J.T., Casper, A.F., Delong, M.D., (2021). Complex to simple: Fish growth along the Illinois River network. Ecological Complexity, 45¸100891,
Parsons, M., Thoms, M.C., (2021). Floodplains aren’t separate to a river – they’re an extension of it. It’s time to change how we connect with them. The Conversation April 5th 2021.
Thoms, M.C., Rayburg, S., Neave, M., Parsons, M., Chiew, F.,(2021). The physical diversity and assessment of a large river system: The Murray-Darling Basin, Australia. In Gupta, (Ed.) Large Rivers, Wiley, Chichester, 587-608.
Van Looy, K., Gilvear, D., Thoms, M.C., Fuller, I., Wolter, C., (2021). River resilience. In Poff, L., Tockner, K (Eds). Encyclopaedia of Inland Waters
Darabi, S., Ghanavati, E., Thoms, M.C., Ahmadabadi, A., Eftekhari, S.M., (2020). Riparian habitats of Taleqan River based on geomorphic units survey and classification system. Quantitative Geomorphological Research, 9, 60-80. doi/10.22034/gmpj.2020.118225
DeBoer, J.A., Thoms, M.C., Casper, A.F., Delong, M.D. (2020). Heterogeneity of ecosystem function in an Anthropocene river system. Anthropocene, 31, 100252,
Bouchet, L., Thoms, M.C., Parsons, M., (in press). Causal loop models for unpacking complex groundwater systems. Aquifers.
Kreiling, R.M., Thoms, M.C., Bartsch, L.A, Larson, J.H., Christiansen, V.G., (2020). Modelling land use effects on sediment nutrient processes in a modified watershed using Structural Equation Models. Water Resources Research, 56, e2019WR026655. DOI:10.1029/2019WR026655
Thapa, R., Thoms, M.C., Parsons, M.E., Reid, M.A., (2020). Do adaptive cycles of floodplain vegetation response to inundation differ among vegetation communities? River Research and Applications, 36, 553-566.
Thoms, M.C., Rose, T., Dyer, F.D. (2020). Riverine landscapes, water development and management: A view from down-under. River Research and Applications, 36, 5050-511.
McLoughlin, C., Thoms, M.C., Parsons, M (2020). Reflexive learning in adaptive management: A case study of environmental water management in the Murray Darling, Australia. River Research and Applications, 36, 681-694.
Rutherfurd, I., Kenyon, C., Thoms, M.C., Grove, J., Turnbull, J., Davies, P., Lawrence, S., (2020). Human impacts on suspended sediment and turbidity in the River Murray, South Eastern Australia: multiple lines of evidence. River Research and Applications, 36, 522-541.
Elgueta-Herrera, A., Thoms, M.C., Gorski, K., Habit, E. (2019). Functional process zones and their fish communities in temperate Andean river networks. River Research and Applications, 35, 1702-1711.
Addo, I.B., Thoms, M.C., Parsons, M.E., (2019). The influence of water-conservation messages on reducing household water use. Applied Water Science 10.1007/s13201-019-1002-0
Pingram, M., Price, J., Thoms, M.C., (2019). Integrating multiple aquatic values: Historical perspectives and a collaborative future for river science. River Research and Applications, 35, 1607-1614. DOI:10.1002/rra.3562
Kreiling, R.M., Thoms, M.C., Richardson, W.R., Bartsch, L.A, Christiansen, V.G., (2019). Complex Response of Sediment Phosphorus to Land Use and Management within a River Network. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 124, 1764-1780. DOI: 10.1029/2019JG005171
Thoms, M.C., Sheldon, F., (2019). Large rivers and complex adaptive systems. River Research and Applications, 35, 451-458. DOI:10.1002/rra.3448
Murray, B.F., Reid, M.A., Capon, S., Wu, S.B., Thoms, M.C. (2019). Gene Flow and Genetic Structure in Acacia stenophylla (Fabaceae); effects of Hydrological Connectivity. Journal of Biogeography, 46, 1138-1151. DOI: 10.1111/jbi.13566
Bouchet, L., Thoms, M.C., Parsons, M., (2019). Groundwater as a social-ecological system: A framework for managing groundwater in pacific small island developing states, Groundwater for Sustainable Development, 8, 579-589.
DeBoer, J.A., Thoms, M.C. Casper, A.F., Delong, M.D. (2019). The response of fish diversity in a highly modified large river systems to multiple anthropogenic stressors. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences DOI:10.1029/2018JG004930
Delong, M.D., Thoms, M.C., Sorenson, E., (2019). Interactive Effects of Hydrogeomorphology on Fish Community Structure in a Large Floodplain River. Ecosphere, 10, 1-20. DOI: 10.1002/ecs2.2731
Addo, I.B., Thoms, M.C., Parsons, M.E., (2019) Barriers and drivers of household water conservation behaviour: A profiling approach. Water, 10, 1794. doi:10.3390/w10121794
Fuller, I.C., Gilvear, D.J., Thoms, M.C., Death, R.G. (2019) Framing resilience for river geomorphology: reinventing the wheel. River Research and Applications, 35, 91-106.
Kreiling, R.M., Richardson, W.R., Bartsch, L.A, Thoms, M.C., Christiansen, V.G., (2019). Denitrification in the river network of a mixed land use watershed: unpacking the complexities. Biogeochemistry, 143, 327-346.
Habit, E., García, A., Díaz, G., Arriagada, P., Link, O., Parra, A., Thoms, M.C., (2019). River Science and Management issues in Chile: Hydropower development and native fish communities. River Research and Applications, 35, 489-499.
Hart, B., Thoms M.C., (2019). 5 ways the government can clean up the Murray Darling Basin Plan. The Conversation June 11th.
Thoms, M.C., (2019). A review of the Water Sharing Plan for the Barwon Darling River. Technical report to the NSW Natural Resources Commission.
Thoms, M.C., Scown, M.A., Flotemersch, J.H (2018). Characterization of river networks: An approach and applications. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. DOI:10.1111/1752-1688.12649.
Kreiling, R.M., Thoms, M.C., Richardson, W.R., (2018). Beyond the edge: Linking agricultural landscapes, stream networks, and best management practices. Journal of Environmental Quality. 47, 42-53. doi: 10.2134/jeq2017.08.0319.
Matheson, A.M, Thoms, M.C., Southwell, M.A., Reid, M.A. (2017). Does the reintroduction of large wood
influence the hydraulic landscape of a lowland river at multiple discharges. Ecohydrology. DOI 10.1002/eco.1854.Matheson, A.M, Thoms, M.C., Reid, M.A. (2017). Does the reintroduction of large wood influence the hydraulic landscape of a lowland river atlow flows. Geomorpholog, 292, 128-141.
Parsons, M., Thoms, M.C. (2018). From academic to applied: operationalising resilience in river systems.Geomorphology, 305, 242-252.
Reid, M.A., Chilcott, S., Thoms, M.C., (2018). Using palaeoecological records to disentangle the effects of multiple stressors on floodplain wetlands. Journal of Palaeolimnology.
Thoms, M.C., Piegay, H., Parsons, M., (2018). What do you mean, ‘resilient Geomorphic Systems’? Geomorphology.305, 8-19.
Thoms, M.C., Meitzen, K., Julian, J.P., Butler, D.R (2018). Bio-Geomorphology and resilience thinking: Common ground and challenges. Geomorphology, 305, 1-7.
Matheson, A.M, Thoms, M.C., Southwell, M.A., Reid, M.A. (2017). Does the reintroduction of large wood influence the hydraulic landscape of a lowland river at multiple discharges. Ecohydrology. DOI 10.1002/eco.1854.
Matheson, A.M, Thoms, M.C., Reid, M.A. (2017). Does the reintroduction of large wood influence the hydraulic landscape of a lowland river at low flows. Geomorphology, 292, 128-141.
Parsons, M.E., Thoms, M.C., (2017). Assessment of rivers as social-ecological systems. A reply to ‘The imperative need for nationally coordinated bioassessment of rivers and streams’ by Susan J Nichols and others.Marine and Freshwater Research.
Parsons, M.E., Thoms, M.C., (2017). Assessment of rivers as social-ecological systems. A reply to ‘The imperative need for nationally coordinated bioassessment of rivers and streams’ by Susan J Nichols and others. Marine and Freshwater Research.68, 2179-2183.
Reid, M.A., Thoms, M.C., Chilcott, S., Fitzsimmons, K., (2017). Sedimentation in dryland waterholes: a threat to aquatic refugia. Marine and Freshwater Research, 68, 668-685.
Thoms, M.C., (2017). Bank instability along a weir pool of the River Murray. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia. 141, 151-168.
Thoms, M.C., (2017). The geomorphological condition of the floodplain and river channel of Cox’s Creek within the vicinity of the Nukkledoon Floodplain Irrigation Development. Technical report to Martens and Associates, 26pp.
Thoms, M.C., Delong, M.A., Collins, S.E., Flotemersch, J.H., (2017). Physical heterogeneity and aquatic community function in river networks: A case study of the Kanawha River, USA. Geomorphology, 290, 277-287.
Thoms, M.C., Martin, P., Andreoni, A., Flett, D.J., (2017). Review of public land management planning in NSW. Technical report to the NSW Natural Resources Commission.
Lubinski, K.S. Thoms, M.C (2017) Rivers, scholars and society; a situation analysis. In Kelly, J.M., Scarpino, P.V., Berry, H., Syvitski, J., Meybeck, M. (Eds.) Rivers of the Anthropocene. University of California Press.
Thoms, M.C., Martin, P., Andreoni, A., Flett, D.J., (2017). Review of public land management planning in NSW. Technical report to the NSW Natural Resources Commission
Reid, M.C., Reid, M.A., Thoms, M.C., (2016). Hierarchical hydrological and geomorphological controls on food web structure in lowland rivers. Aquatic Science.
Flotemersch, J.E., Leibowitz, S., Hill, R., Stoddard, J., Thoms, M.C., Tharme, R., (2016). Watershed integrity definition and assessment approach to support strategic management of watersheds. River Research and Application, 32, 1654-1671.
Delong, M.A., Thoms, M.C., (2016). Changes in the trophic status of fish feeding guilds in response to flow modification. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 121, 949-964.
Reid, M.A., Thoms, M.C., Chilcott, S., and Fitzsimmons, K., (2016). Sedimentation in dryland river waterholes: A threat to aquatic refugia? Marine and Freshwater Research.
Thapa, R., Thoms, M.C., Parsons, M.E., (2016). The response of dryland floodplain vegetation productivity to flooding and drying. Journal of Arid Environments, 129, 42-55.
Thapa, R., Thoms, M.C., Parsons, M.E., Reid, M.A., (2016). Adaptive cycles of floodplain vegetation response to flooding and drying. Earth Surface Dynamics, 4, 175-191.
Thapa, R., Thoms, M.C., Parsons, M.E., (2016). An adaptive cycle hypothesis of semi-arid floodplain vegetation productivity in dry and wet resource states. Ecohydrology, 9, 39-51.
Reid, M.C., Reid, M.A., Thoms, M.C., (2016). Ecological significance of hydrological connectivity for aquatic plant communities in wetlands on a dryland floodplain river, MacIntyre River, Australia. Aquatic Science. 78: 139-158.
Thoms, M.C., Parsons, M.E., Southwell, M.A., (2016). The physical template of Australia’s rivers. In Capon, S., James, C., and Reid, M.A., (eds). Vegetation of Australian Riverine Landscapes: Biology, Ecology and Management. CSIRO, Melbourne, 5-26.
Thoms, M.C., Parsons, M.E., (2016). The physical template of Australia’s floodplain landscapes. In Capon, S., James, C., and Reid, M.A., (eds). Vegetation of Australian Riverine Landscapes: Biology, Ecology and Management. CSIRO, Melbourne, 27-44.
Scown, M.W., Thoms, M.C., DeJaeger, N., (2016). Measuring spatial patterns in floodplains: A step towards understanding the complexity of floodplain ecosystems. . In Gilvear, D.A., Greenwood, M.W., Thoms, M.C., Wood, P.A., (eds). River Science, Management and Policy for 21st Century. Wiley, 103-131.
Parsons, M.E., Thoms, M.C., Flotemersch, J.A., Reid, M.A., (2016). Monitoring the resilience of rivers as social-ecological systems: a paradigm shift for river assessment in the 21st Century. In Thoms, M.C., Gilvear, D.A., Wood, P.A., Greenwood, M.W., (eds). River Science, Management and Policy for 21st Century. Wiley, 197-222.
Milner, V.S., Gilvear, D.J., Thoms, M.C., (2016). Characterisation Riverine Landscapes; Hisotry, applications and future challenges. In Thoms, M.C., Gilvear, D.A., Wood, P.A., Greenwood, M.W., (eds). River Science, Management and Policy for 21st Century. Wiley, 239-258.
Delong, M.D., Thoms, M.C., (2016). An ecosystems framework for river science, management and policy. In Thoms, M.C., Gilvear, D.A., Wood, P.A., Greenwood, M.W., (eds). River Science, Management and Policy for 21st Century. Wiley, 15-36.
Thoms, M.C., Gilvear, D.A., Greenwood, M.W., Wood, P.A., (2016). An introduction to river science: research and applications. In Gilvear, D.A., Greenwood, M.W., Thoms, M.C., Wood, P.A., (Eds.). River Science, Management and Policy for 21st Century. Wiley, 1-11.
Gilvear, D.A., Greenwood, M.W., Thoms, M.C., Wood, P.A., (2016). The discipline of river science. In Gilvear, D.A., Greenwood, M.W., Thoms, M.C., Wood, P.A., (Eds.). River Science, Management and Policy for 21st Century. Wiley, 372-378.
Thoms, M.C., Parsons, M.E., Southwell, M.A., (2016). The physical template of Australian river ecosystems. In Capon, S., and Reid, M.A., (Eds.). Australian Floodplain Vegetation. CSIRO.
Thoms,M.C., Parsons,M.E., (2016). The physical environment of Australian floodplain ecosystems. In Capon, S., and Reid,M.A.,(Eds.) Australian Floodplain Vegetation. CSIRO.
Scown, M.W., Thoms, M.C., DeJaeger, N.R., (2015). Floodplain complexity and surface metrics: influences of scale and geomorphology. Geomorphology 245, 102.116.
Scown, M.W., Thoms, M.C., DeJaeger, N.R., (2015). Measuring floodplain spatial patterns using continuous surface metrics at multiple scales. Geomorphology, 245, 87-101.
Scown, M. W., Thoms, M. C., and DeJaeger, N.R. (2015). An index of floodplain surface complexity, Hydrology and Earth Systems Sciences, 12, 4507-4540, doi:10.5194/hessd-12-4507-2015.
McLoughlin, C.M., Thoms, M.C. (2015). Integrative learning for practicing adaptive resource management. Ecology and Society, 20: 34
Reid, M.C., Reid, M.A., Thoms, M.C., (2015). Ecological significance of hydrological connectivity for aquatic plant communities in wetlands on a dryland floodplain river, MacIntyreRiver, Australia. AquaticScience. 78, 139-158.
Collins, S.E., Thoms, M.C., Flotemersch, J.A., (2014). Hydrogeomorphic zones characterise riverbed sediment patterns within a river network. River Systems.
Meritzen, K., Doyle, M., Thoms, M.C., Burns, T.C., (2014). Geomorphology within the interdisciplinary science of environmental flows. Geomorphology, 200, 143- 154.
Mills, K., Gell, P., Gergis, J., Baker, P., Finlayson, M., Hesse, P; Jones, R., Kershaw, P., Pearson, S., Treble, P., Barr, C., Brookhouse, M., Drysdale, R., McDonald, J., Haberle, S., Reid, M., Thoms, M., Tibby, J., (2014). Palaeoclimate studies and natural resource management in the Murray-Darling Basin II: unravelling human impacts and climate variability. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 60, 547-560.
Scown, M.W., Thoms, M.C., DeJaeger, N., (2014). Measuring spatial patterns in floodplains: A step towards understanding the complexity of floodplain ecosystems. . In Thoms, M.C., Gilvear, D.A., Wood, P.A., Greenwood, M.W., (Eds.). River Science, Management and Policy for 21st Century. Wiley
Parsons, M.E., Thoms, M.C., Flotemersch, J.A., Reid, M.A., (2014). Monitoring the resilience of rivers as social-ecological systems: a paradigm shift for river assessment in the 21st Century. In Thoms, M.C., Gilvear, D.A., Wood, P.A., Greenwood, M.W., (Eds.). River Science, Management and Policy for 21st Century. Wiley.
Milner, V.S., Gilvear, D.J., Thoms, M.C., (2014). Characterisation Riverine Landscapes; History, applications and future challenges. In Thoms, M.C., Gilvear, D.A., Wood, P.A., Greenwood, M.W., (Eds.). River Science, Management and Policy for 21st Century. Wiley.
Delong, M.D., Thoms, M.C., (2014). An ecosystems framework for river science, management and policy. In Thoms, M.C., Gilvear, D.A., Wood, P.A., Greenwood, M.W., (Eds.). River Science, Management and Policy for 21st Century. Wiley.
Southwell, M.A., Thoms, M.C., Wilson, G., (2014). Monitoring of environmental water in the Gwydir River. Department of Environment, 735pp.
Thoms, M.C., Gehrke, P., Southwell, M.A., Gell, P., (2014). A long term monitoring strategy for the Warrego Darling Selected Area. Department of Environment, 435pp.
Southwell, M, Thoms, M.C., Bulovic, N., (2014). Floodplain inundation modelling. Technical Report to the Queensland Department of Mines, Energy and Natural Resources. 94pp.
Williams, B.S., D’Amico, E., Kastens, J.E., Thorp, J.H., Flotemersch, J.E., Thoms, M.C., (2013). Automated riverine landscape characterization: GIS-based tools for watershed-scale research, assessment, and management. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 185, 7485-7499.
Price, A.E., Humphries, P., Gawne, B., Thoms, M.C., (2013). Effects of discharge on the distribution, stability and within-patch characteristics of slackwaters at multiple scales in a lowland river. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 70, 253-262.
Boys, C., Southwell, M, Thoms, M.C., Fowler, T., Thiebaud, I., Alexander, T., Reilly, G. 2013. Evaluation of aquatic rehabilitation in the Bourke to Brewarrina demonstration rech, Barwon-Darling River, Australia. Technical Report to the Western Catchment Management Authority and the Murray Darling Basin Authority. Report No 134p.
Thoms, M.C. (2013). The development of capacity building training programs for Southern African Communities, in river science, management and policy. A report to AusAid, 87p.
Southwell, M. and Thoms, M. (2012). Double trouble: the influence of wildfire and flow regulation on fine sediment accumulation in the Cotter River, Australia. International Association for Hydrological Sciences, 354, 90-98.
Thoms, M.C. (2012). The issue below the surface; wildfire, riverbed sediments and flow regulation. International Association for Hydrological Sciences, 354, 99-107.
Parsons, M.E., Thoms, M.C. (2012). Patterns of vegetation greenness during flood, rain and dry resource states in a large, unconfined floodplain landscape. Journal of Arid Environments, 88, 24-38.
Reid, M.A and Thoms, M.C. (2012). Changes in benthic community structure and function in an Australian regulated upland stream following wildfire. International Association for Hydrological Sciences, 354, 66-74.
Webb, M., Thoms, M.C., Reid, M.A. (2012). Determining the eco-hydrological character of aquatic refugia in a dryland river system: the imnportnce of temporal scale. Ecohydrology and Hydrobiology, 12, 21-33.
Reid, M. A., Delong, M. D. and Thoms, M. C. (2012). The influence of hydrological connectivity on food web structure in floodplain lakes. River Research and Applications, 28, 827-844.
Davies PE, Stewardson MJ, Hillman TJ, Roberts JR and Thoms M.C. (2012). Sustainable Rivers Audit report 2: A report on the ecological health of rivers in the Murray–Darling Basin 2008-2010 (Volume 1). The Independent Sustainable Rivers Audit Group for the Murray–Darling Basin (ISRAG). 273p.
Davies PE, Stewardson MJ, Hillman TJ, Roberts JR and Thoms M.C. (2012). Sustainable Rivers Audit report 2: A report on the ecological health of rivers in the Murray–Darling Basin 2008-2010 (Volume 2). The Independent Sustainable Rivers Audit Group for the Murray–Darling Basin (ISRAG). 448p.
Davies PE, Stewardson MJ, Hillman TJ, Roberts JR and Thoms, M.C. (2012). Sustainable Rivers Audit report 2: A report on the ecological health of rivers in the Murray–Darling Basin 2008-2010 (Volume 3). The Independent Sustainable Rivers Audit Group for the Murray–Darling Basin (ISRAG). 427p.
Thoms, M.C., Parsons, M.E., (2011). Taking landscape ecology onto the floodplain: Patterns of vegetation community distribution in a large, semi-arid floodplain. River Systems, 19, 271-282.
Balcombe, S.R., Arthington, A.H., Thoms, M.C., Wilson, G.G., (2011). Fish assemblage patterens across a gradient of flow regulation in an Australian dryland river. River Research and Applications, 27, 168-183.
Webb, M., Reid, M.A., Thoms M.C., (2011). The influence of hydrology and physical habitat character on fish assemblages at different temporal scales. River Systems, 19, 283-299.
Delong, M.D., Thorp, J.H., Thoms, M.C., McIntosh, L.M., (2011). Trophic Niche Dimensions of Fish Communities as a Function of Historical Hydrological Conditions in a Plains River. River Systems, 19, 177-187.
Southwell, M., Thoms , M.C., (2011). Patterns of nutrient concentrations across multiple floodplain surfaces in a large dryland river system. Geographical Research, 49, 431-443.
Reid, M. A., Ogden, R., Thoms, M. C. (2011). Vegetation communities on a large dryland floodplain: patterns, processes and the implications of water resource development. Submitted to Journal of Arid Environments, 75, 815-826.
Thoms, M.C., Parsons, M.E., Southwell, M., Flett, D.J., (2011). Benchmarking NRM & MER initiatives against the NSW Natrual Resources MER Strategy. A report to the NSW Natural Resources Commission. 68pp.
Thoms, M.C., Scown, M., Gilvear, D., (2011). Channel Adjustment and Restoration in two High Altitude Wetlands of the Werrikimbi National Park, NSW. Report to the NSW NPWS, 52pp.
Arthington, A., Olden, J., Balcombe, S., Thoms, M.C. (2010). Multi-scale environmental factors explain fish losses and refuge quality in drying waterholes of Cooper Creek, an Australian arid-zone river. Marine and Freshwater Research, 61, 842-856.
Thorp, J.H., Flotemersch, J.E., Delong, M.D, Casper, A.F., Thoms, M.C., Ballantyne, F, Williams, B.S, O’Neill, B.J, Haase, S.C, (2010) Linking ecosystem services, rehabilitation, and river hydrogeomorphology, Bioscience, 60, 74-75.
Balcombe S.R., Huey J.A., Lobegeiger J.S., Marshall J.C., Davis L.C., Sternberg, D., Arthington, A.H., Thoms M.C., (2010). Unpredictable Productivity: Relationships between biophysical factors and fish biomass in two dryland river catchments are not transferable. In Saintilan, N and Overton, I. (eds). Flow ecology relationships.
Rayburg, S.R., Thoms, M.C. (2009). The provision of water bird habitat in a dryland river system. International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 328, 3-12.
Shilpakar, R., Thoms, M.C. (2009). Changing landscapes of floodplain vegetation. International Association
Harris, C.A., Thoms, M.C., Scown, M.A. (2009). The ecohydrology of stream networks. International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 328, 127-138.
Reid, M.A., Thoms, M.C. (2009). Mapping stream surface flow types by balloon: an inexpensive high resolution remote sensing solution to rapid assessment of stream habitat heterogeneity. International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 328, 62-67.
Likens, G.E., Walker, K.F., Davies, P.E., Brookes, J., Olley, J.M., Young, W., Thoms, M.C., Lake, P.S., Davis, J., Arthington, A., Thompson, R., Oliver, R.L., (2009). Ecosystem science: toward a new paradigm for managing Australia’s inland aquatic ecosystems. Marine and Freshwater Research, 60, 271-279.
Rayburg, S.C., Thoms, M.C., Neave, N., (2009). A comparison of digital elevation models generated from different data sources. Geomorphology, 106, 261-270
Rayburg, S.C., Thoms, M.C., (2009). A coupled hydraulic-hydrologic modelling approach to deriving a water balance model for a complex floodplain-wetland system. Hydrological Research, 40, 364-379.
Thoms, M.C, Capon, S, Price, R (2009) Lake Basin River: Review. Report to the Dept. of Environment, Water, Heritage and Arts. 34p.
Thoms, M.C, Capon, S, Price, R (2009) Lake Basin River: Review of Implementation Plan. Report to the Dept. of Environment, Water, Heritage and Arts. 84pp.
Price, R, Thoms, M.C, Capon, S, (2009) Lake Basin River: Governance Report. Report to the Dept. of Environment, Water, Heritage and Arts. 89pp.
Thoms, M.C, Reid, M.A, Cossart, R.A, Chilcott, S. (2009) Establishing benchmarks and trajectories of change in inland wetland ecosystems. Technical report to the NSW Western Catchment Management Authority, 165pp.
Parsons, M.E, Thoms, M.C, Arvidsson, P.H, Rayburg, S, Bobbin, S (2009) Vegetation dynamics of the Lower Balonne floodplain landscape. Technical report to the NSW Western Catchment Management Authority, 183p
Parsons, M.E, Thoms, M.C, Capon, T, Capon, S, Reid, M.A, (2009) Resilience and thresholds in river ecosystems. Report to the National Water Commission, 86p.
Parsons, M.E, Capon, T, Thoms, M.C, (2009) The role of floodplains: Resilience, value of ecosystem services, and guidelines for diverting water from floodplains. Report to the National Water Commission 124p.
Lowes, A.R., Southwell, M.R., Thoms, M.C., (2008). Floodplain nutrient dynamics: patterns, controls and the influence of changing hydrology. International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 325, 68-75.
Reid, M.A., Thoms, M.C., (2008). Near bed hydraulics and associated invertebrate communities. Biogeosciences, 5, 1033-1041.
Cossart, R.A., Thoms, M.C., Reid, M.A, (2008). The sources and dispersal of sediment within a large flood plain complex. International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 325, 60-67.
Thoms, M.C., Brennan, S., Franks, S.W., (2008). The sources and dispersal of sediment within a large flood plain complex. International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 325, 52-59.
Southwell, M.A., Thoms, M.C., (2008). Patterns of nutrient concentrations across multiple floodplain surfaces in a large dryland river system. River Research and Applications.
Rayburg, S., Thoms, M.C., (2008). Identifying relationships between flood history, flood frequency and the provenance of surface sediments in a semi-arid terminal wetland. International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 325.
Callum, C., Brierley, G., Thoms, M. C. (2008). The spatial organisation of river systems. In Brierley, G.J., and Fryirs, K.A. (eds). River Futures, Island Press, 41-64. Washington DC.
Rayburg, S.R., Thoms, M.C. (2008). Spatial and Temporal Variations in Hydraulic Habitat in a Complex Floodplain-wetland System. 31st Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Adelaide.
Harris, C., Thoms, M.C., Rayburg, S.R., Parsons, M.E. (2008). An approach for assessing the physical condition of rivers at the catchment scale. 31st Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Adelaide.
Thoms, M.C., Capon, S. James, C.S., Padgahm, M., Rayburg, S.R., (2008). The response of a terminal wetland system to variable wetting and drying. Murray Darling Basin Commission. 123pp.
Thoms, M.C, Parsons, M.E (2008). Physical assessment of Marra, Crooked and Duck Creeks. Prepared for IRP Environmental Consultants as input into the Ecological Assessment of Marra, Duck and Crooked Creeks, 67pp.
Rayburg, S., Thoms, M.C., Parsons, M.E. Neave, M., (2008). Characterisation and assessment of physical form at the valley scale: Application to the Namoi, Condamine-Balonne, Marne and Ovens catchments. Technical to the Murray Darling Basin Commission, 146p.
Thoms, M.C., Rayburg, S., Neave, M., (2008) Characterisation of rivers within the Murray Darling Basin. Report to the Murray Darling Basin Commission, 85p.
Thoms, M.C (2007). The distribution of heavy metals in a highly regulated river: the River Murray, Australia. International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 314, 145-153.
Parsons, M.E., Thoms, M.C. (2007). Hierarchical patterns of large woody debris distribution and macroinvertebrate-environment associations in river ecosystems. Geomorphology, 89, 127-146.
Thoms, M.C (2007). Australia: The dam nation, Geography Issues, 79, 27-30.
Renschler, C.S., Doyle, M., Thoms, M.C., (2007). Geomorphology and Ecosystems: Challenges and Keys for Success. Geomorphology, 89, 1-8.
Ogden, R.W., Reid, M., Thoms, M.C. (2007). Soil fertility in a large dryland floodplain: Patterns, processes and the implications of water resource development. Catena, 70, 114-126.
James, C., Capon, S.J., White, M., Rayburg, S. Thoms, M.C. (2007). Spatial variability of the soil seed bank in a heterogeneous ephemeral wetland system in semi-arid Australia. Plant Ecology, 190, 205-217.
Norris, R.H., Linke, S., Prosser, I., Young, W.J., Liston, P., Bauer, N., Sloane, N., Dyer, F., Thoms, M.C., (2007). Very-broad-scale assessment of human impacts on river condition. Freshwater Biology, 52, 959-976.
Dollar, E.S.J., James, C.S., Rogers, K.H., Thoms, M.C. (2007). A framework for interdisciplinary understanding of rivers as ecosystems. Geomorphology, 89, 147-162.
Thorp, J.H., Stanford, J.A., Thoms, M.C., Petts, G.E., (2007). Global partnerships and an international river society. River Research and Applications, 23, 1-6.
Thoms, M.C., Parons, M.E., Foster, J.M., (2007). The use of multivariate statistics to elucidate patterns of floodplain sedimentation at different scales. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 32, 672-686.
Thoms, M.C., Rayburg, S., Neave, M. (2007). The physical diversity and assessment of a large river system: The Murray-Darling Basin, Australia. In Gupta, A. (Ed.) Large Rivers, Wiley, Chichester.
Hughes, V., Thoms, M.C., Nicol, S., Koehn, J (2007). Physical–ecological interactions in a lowland river system: large wood, hydraulic complexity and native fish associations in the River Murray, Australia, In Wood, P., (ed.) Ecohydrology-hydroecology. Wiley, Chichester.
Boys, C.A., Thoms, M.C (2006). A hierarchical scale approach to the assessment of fish assemblages and their habitat associations in large dryland rivers. Hydrobiologia, 572, 11-31.
Nichols, S, Norris, R.H., Maher, W., Thoms, M.C. (2006). Ecological effects of serial impoundment on the Cotter River, Australia. Hydrobiologia, 572, 255-273.
Reid, M.A., Dyer, F., Thoms, M.C. (2006). Effects of spatial and temporal variation in hydraulic conditions on benthic metabolism in an Australian upland stream. Journal of the North American Benthological Society, 25, 756-767.
Balcombe, S.R., Arthington, A.A., Foster, N.D., Thoms, M.C., Wilson, G.G, Bunn, S.E. (2006). Fish assemblages of an Australian sryland river: abundance, assemblage structure and recruitment patterns in the Warrego River, Murray-Darling Basin. Marine and Freshwater Research, 57, 619-633.
Cossart, R., Thoms, M.C., Rayburg, S (2006). The infilling of a terminal floodplain wetland complex. International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 306, 389-398.
Thoms, M.C (2006). Variability in riverine ecosystems. River Research and Applications, 22, 115-121.
Southwell, M.A., Thoms, M.C. (2006). A gradient or mosaic of patches? The textural character of inset-floodplain surfaces along a dryland river system. International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 306, 487-496.
McGregor, G.B., Marshall, J.B., Thoms, M.C. (2006). Alagal flora of two Australian dryland river systems: spatial patterns and environmental relationships. Marine and Freshwater Research, 57, 453-466.
Murray, O., Thoms, M.C., Rayburg, S., (2006). The diversity of inundated areas in semi-arid floodplain ecosystems. International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 306, 277-286.
Thorp, J.H., Thoms, M.C., Delong, M.D. (2006). Ecological regulation in river networks across time and space. River Research and Applications, 22, 123-147.
Thoms, M.C., Reid, M.A., Christianson, F., Munro, F. (2006). Variety is the Spice of River Life: Recognising Hydraulic Diversity as a Tool for Managing Flows in Regulated Rivers. International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 306, 169-178.
Bunn, S.E., Thoms, M.C., Hamilton, S.K., Capon, S.R (2006). Flow variability in dryland rivers: Boom, bust and bits in between. River Research and Applications, 22, 179-186.
Webb, M., Reid, M.A., Capon, S., Thoms, M.C., Rayburg, S (2006). Are floodplain-wetland plant communities determined by seed bank composition or inundation periods? International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 306, 241-350
Sheldon, F, Thoms, M.C. (2006). Geomorphic In-channel Complexity: the key to organic matter retention in large dryland rivers? Geomorphology, 77, 275-285.
Dyer, F., Thoms, M.C. (2006). Managing river flows for hydraulic diversity. River Research and Applications, 22, 257-267.
Rayburg, S., Thoms, M.C., Lenon. E., (2006). Unraveling the physical template of a terminal floodplain-wetland sediment storage system. International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 306, 304 -313.
Sheldon, F., Thoms, M.C. (2006). Relationships between flow variability and invertebrate assemblage composition: date from four Australian dryland rivers. River Research and Applications, 22, 219-238.
Marshall, J.C., Sheldon, F., Thoms, M.C., Choy, S. (2006). The macroinvertebrate fauna of an Australian dryland river: spatial and temporal patterns and environmental relationships. Marine and Freshwater Research, 57, 61-74.
Reid, M.A. Thoms, M.C. (2006). Linking pattern and process: the effects of hydraulic conditions on benthic metabolism in an Australian upland stream. International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 306, 322-321.
Thoms, M.C., Beyer, P., Rogers, K.H., (2006). Variability, complexity and diversity – The geomorphology of river ecosystems in dryland regions. In Kingsford, R.T. (ed.) The Ecology of Desert Rivers, Cambridge University Press. 47-75.
Rayburg, S., Neave, M, Thoms, M.C., Nanson, R., Lenon, E., Breen, T., (2006). A review of geomorphic classification schemes for rivers and floodplains. Technical to the Murray Darling Basin Commission, 40p.
Thoms, M.C. (2005). An Interdisciplinary and Hierarchical Approach to the Study and Management of River Ecosystems. International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 301, 170-179.
Thoms, M.C., Southwell, M. R., McGinness, H.M (2005). Water resource development and the fragmentation of floodplain river ecosystems. Geomorphology, 71, 126-138.
Hamilton, S.K., Bunn, S.E., Thoms, M.C. and Marshall, J.C. (2005) Persistence of aquatic refugia between flow pulses in a dryland river system (Cooper Creek, Australia). Limnology and Oceanography, 50, 743-754.
Arthington, A., Balcombe, S.R., Thoms, M.C., Wilson, G., Marshall, J.C. (2005). Spatial and temporal variations in fish assemblage structure in isolated waterholes during the 2001 dry season of an arid-zone floodplain river, Cooper Creek, Australia. Marine and Freshwater Research, 56, 25-35.
Thoms, M.C (2005). An Interdisciplinary and Hierarchical Approach to the Study and Management of River Ecosystems. In Franks, S., Sivapalan, M., Takeuchi, K.,. and Tachikawa, Y (eds). Predictions in ungauged basins: nternational Perspectives on the State of the Art and Pathways Forward. International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 213-222.
Boys, C.A., Esslemont, G., Thoms, M.C. (2005). Fish habitat assessment and protection in the Barwon-Darling and Paroo Rivers. Technical report to the Dept. of Agriculute, Fisheries and Forestry Australia. 118p.
Lenon, E., Thoms, M.C. (2005). An assessment of bank stability along the Torrumbarry Weir Pool. Technical report to the Murray Darling Basin Commission, 42p.
Thoms, M.C., Olley, J.M (2004). The stratigraphy, mode of deposition and age of inset floodplains on the Barwon-Darling River, Australia. International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 288, 316-325.
Parsons, M.E., Thoms, M.C., Norris, R.H. (2004). Development of a standardised approach to river habitat assessment in Australia. Environmental Assessment and Monitoring. 98, 109-130.
Maddock, I., Thoms, M.C., Jonson, K., Dyer, F.,Lintermanns, M (2004). Identifying the Influence of Channel Morphology on Physical Habitat Availability for Native Fish: Application to the Two-Spined Blackfish (Gadopsis bispinosus) in the Cotter River, Australia. Marine and Freshwater Research 55, 173-184.
Parsons, M. E., Thoms, M.C., Norris, R.H (2004). Using hierarchy to select scales of measurement in multiscale studies of stream macroinvertebrates. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 23, 157-170.
Thoms, M.C., Hill, S.M., Spry, M.J., Chen, X.J., Mount, T.J., Sheldon, F. (2004). The geomorphology of the Darling River. In Breckwodt, R., Boden, R and Andrews, J (eds). The Darling, The Murray Darling Basin Commission. 68-105.
Sheldon, F., Thoms, M.C., (2004). River corridors. In Breckwodt, R., Boden, R., Andrews, J (eds). The Darling, The Murray Darling Basin Commission. 280-297.
Thoms, M.C., Sheldon, F., Crabb, P (2004). A hydrological perspective of the Darling River. In Breckwodt, R., Boden, R and Andrews, J (eds). The Darling, The Murray Darling Basin Commission. 332-349.
Thoms, M.C., Terrill, P., Crabb., P., Maher, S., Harris, J., Sheldon, F. (2004). Environmental flows in the Darling Basin. In Breckwodt, R., Boden, R and Andrews, J (eds). The Darling, The Murray Darling Basin Commission. 350-373.
Woods, M., Rainger, M, Thoms, M.C (2004). Limitations for improving flow regimes when planning at the sub-catchment scale – an examples from the Barwon-Darling river system, NSW. In Walzowki, I. and Rutherfurd, I. (eds). Fourth Australian Stream Management Conference, Hobart. 704-709.
Rayburg, S., Neave, M., Thoms, M.C., Mesley, E. (2004) A preliminary investigation into the influence of changing stream network patterns on the distribution of water in the Narran Lakes Ecosystem. In Walzowki, I. and Rutherfurd, I. (eds). Fourth Australian Stream Management Conference, Hobart.
Southwell, M.R., Thoms, M.C., Foster, J.M., Lenon, E. (2004). Geomorphic variation and the accumulation of organic matter: The Barwon-Darling, Australia. In Walzowki, I. and Rutherfurd, I. (eds). Fourth Australian Stream Management Conference, Hobart.
Thoms, M.C., Dyer, F (2004). Hydraulic diversity in a regulated river. Fifth International Symposium on Ecohydraulics. Aquatic habitats: Analysis and restoration, Madrid, Spain, 1289-1293.
Norris, R.H., Chester, H., Thoms, M.C., (2004). Ecological sustainability of modified environmental flows in the Cotter River during drought conditions January 2003-April 2004. Report to Environment ACT, 78p.
Thoms, M.C (2003). Floodplain-river ecosystems: lateral connections and the implications of human interference. Geomorphology. 56, 335-349.
Parsons, M. E., Thoms, M.C., Norris, R.H (2003). Scales of macroinvertebrate distribution in relation to the hierarchical organization of river systems. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 22, 105-122.
Thoms, M. C., Parsons, M. (2003). Identifying spatial and temporal patterns in the hydrological character of the Condamine-Balonne River, Australia, using multivariate statistics. River Research and Applications 19, 443-457.
Foxwell, R., Norris, R.H., Maher, W.H., Thoms, M.C., (2003). Sustaining quality learning for environmental scientists. Sustaining Quality Learning Environments, Open and Distance Learning Association of Australia, 1-10.
Southwell, M., Thoms, M.C. (2003). Bank erosion along the River Murray: processes, causes and management options. Technical report to New South Wales Waterways, 38p.
Barlow, A., Dann, R., Norris, R.N., Thoms, M.C., Kotlash, A. (2003). The condition of Keepit Dam, the Namoi River and the potential influence of proposed upgrade works. Report to the NSW Department of Land and Water Conservation. 134pp.
Dyer, F., Thoms, M.C., Norris, R.N. (2003). Cudgegong River Baseline Monitoring. Report to the NSW Department of Land and Water Conservation. 80pp.
Jones, G., Arthington, A., Gawne, B., Hillman, T.J., Kingsford, R., Thoms, M.C., Walker, K.F., Young, W.J. (2003). Ecological Assessment of Environmental Flow Reference Points for the River Murray System. Report to the Murray Darling Basin Commission. 323pp.
Norris, R.N., Thoms, M.C (2003). The condition of the Cudgegong River. Report to the NSW Department of Land and Water Conservation. 68pp.
Davis, L, Thoms, M.C., Fellows, K., Bunn, S.E (2002). Physical and ecological associations in dryland refugia: waterholes of the Cooper Creek, Australia. International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 276, 77-84.
Foster, J.M., Thoms, M.C (2002). The influence of large-scale geomorphology on floodplain. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 28, 151-160.
Foster, J.M., Thoms, M.C., Parsons, M.E. (2002). Multivariate statistical techniques and the interpretation of floodplain sedimentation. International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 276, 453-464.
Hughes, V., Thoms, M.C (2002). Associations between channel morphology and the distribution of large woody debris in the Murray River, Australia. International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 276, 11-18.
McGinness, H. M., Thoms, M.C. (2002). Water resource development and floodplain carbon dynamics. Ver. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 28, 111-115.
McGinness, H.M., Thoms, M.C., Southwell, M. R., (2002). Connectivity and fragmentation of flood plain-river exchanges in a semi-arid, anabranching river system. International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 276, 19-26.
Ogden, R.W, Thoms, M.C., Levings, P., (2002). Nutrient limitation of plant growth on the floodplain of the Narran River, Australia: growth experiments and a pilot soil survey. Hydrobiologia, 489, 277-285.
Ogden, R.W., Thoms, M.C., (2002). The importance of inundation to floodplain soil fertility in a large semi-arid river. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 28, 101-106.
Quinn, G. P., Thoms, M.C., (2002). Environmental flows – an ecological perspective. Water 15, 46-48.
Sims, N., Thoms, M.C (2002). How do floodplains wet themselves: an example of the Lower Balonne, Australia? International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 276, 195-202.
Thoms, M.C., Sheldon, F (2002). An ecosystem approach for determining environmental water allocations in Australian dryland river systems: the role of geomorphology. Geomorphology, 47, 153-168.
Thoms, M.C., Parsons, M.E (2002). Ecogemorphology: an interdisciplinary approach to river science. International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 227, 113-119.
Quinn, G.P., Thoms, M.C., Butcher, R., Gawne, B. (2002). Ecological monitoring frameworks for flow-impacted ecosystems. International conference on Environmental Flows and Ecohydraulics. Cape Town, South Africa.
Lloyd, N., Quinn, G.P., Thoms, M.C., Arthington, A., Gawne, B., Humphries, P., Walker, K.F (2002). Links between flow modification and geomorphological and ecological response in rivers – a literature review from an Australian perspective. CRC for Freshwater Ecology, University of Canberra.
Thoms, M.C., Quinn, G., Butcher, R., Phillips, W., Wilson, G., Brock, M., Gawne, B., (2002). Scoping Study for the Narran Lakes and Lower Balonne floodplain management study. . Report to the Murray Darling Basin Commission, 189pp.
Whittington, J., Bunn, S., Cullen, P., Jones, G., Thoms, M.C., Quinn, G., Walker, K.F., (2002): Ecological Assessment of Flow Management Scenarios for the Lower Balonne. Report to Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Mines. 102pp.
Whittington, J., Bunn, S.A., Cullen, P., Jones, G. Thoms, M.C., Quinn, G.P., Walker, K.F (2002). The ecological flows requirements of the Lower Balonne Floodplain. Report to the Queensland Premiers Office, 93pp.
Cottingham, P., Thoms, M.C., Quinn, G.P. (2001). Scientific panels and their use in environmental flow assessment in Australia. Australian Journal of Water Resources, 5, 103-111.
Thoms, M.C., Ogden, R.W., Sims, N, McGinness, H.M, Foster, J.M. (2001). Understanding large floodplain ecosystems, Riprap, 6, 5-12.
Thoms, M.C (2001). Australian inland river systems: their physical character and implications for ecological functioning. In Webster, R and Williams (eds) Australian Inland Rivers, Land & Water Australia. 21-27.
Ogden, R.W., Thoms, M.C (2001). Effects of reduced flooding on the soils and plants of a lowland semi arid floodplain in south central Queensland. In Rutherfurd, I., Sheldon, F., Brierley, G and Kenyon, C (eds). Third Australian Stream Management Conference, Brisbane, 469-475.
Thoms, M.C (2001). The interplay between the disciplines in river science. In Rutherfurd, I., Sheldon, F., Brierley, G and Kenyon, C (eds). Third Australian Stream Management Conference, Brisbane, 597-603.
Young, W., Dyer, F., Thoms, M.C (2001). An index of river hydrology change for use in assessing river condition. In Rutherfurd, I., Sheldon, F., Brierley, G and Kenyon, C (eds). Third Australian Stream Management Conference, Brisbane, 695-700.
Davies, B.R., Beilfuss, R.D., Thoms, M.C. (2000). Cahora Bassa retrospective, 1974-1997: effects of flow regulation on the Lower Zambezi River. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol., 27, 2149-2157.
Davies, N.M., Norris, R.H., Thoms, M.C. (2000). Prediction and assessment of local stream habitat features using large-scale catchment characteristics. Freshwater Biology, 45: 343-369.
Sheldon, F, Thoms, M.C., Berry, O., Puckridge, J (2000). Using disaster to prevent catastrophe: Referencing the impacts of flow changes in large dryland rivers. Regulated Rivers: Research and Management, 16, 403-420.
Thoms, M.C., Sheldon, F. (2000). Water resource development and hydrological change in a large dryland river system: The Barwon-Darling River, Australia. Journal of Hydrology, 228, 10-21.
Thoms, M.C., Sheldon, F (2000). Australian lowland river systems: An introudction. Regulated Rivers: Research and Management, 16, 375-383.
Thoms, M.C., Sheldon, F., (2000). In-channel processes and environmental flow requirements for the Barwon Darling River. Rivers for the Future, 12, 10-19.
Thoms, M.C., Foster, J., Gawne, B (2000). Flood-plain sedimentation in a dryland river: The River Murray, Australia. International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 236, 227-236.
Boulton, A.D, Thoms, M.C., Sheldon, F (2000). Flow regimes and ecology. In Boon, P.J, Davies, B.R and Petts, G.E (eds), Global Perspectives on River Conservation: Science, Policy and Practise, Wiley, Chichester.
Schofield, N.J., Collier, K.J., Quinn, J., Sheldon, F. , Thoms, M.C. (2000). Australia and New Zealand, in Boon, P.J, Davies, B.R and Petts, G.E (eds), Global Perspectives on River Conservation: Science, Policy and Practise, Wiley, Chichester.
Snaddon, K, Davies, B.R, Thoms, M.C., Meador, M. (2000). Implications of inter basin water transfers. in Boon, P.J, Davies, B.R and Petts, G.E (eds), Global Perspectives on River Conservation: Science, Policy and Practise, Wiley, Chichester.
Thoms, M.C., Parker, C.R., Simons, M., (2000): Heavy metal dispersal in the Hawkesbury Nepean River. in Finlayson, B and Brizga, S (eds), River Management: The Australian Perspective, Wiley.
Wishart, M, Davies, B.R., Thoms, M.C (2000). Developed versus developing world perceptions. in Boon, P.J, Davies, B.R and Petts, G.E (eds), Global Perspectives on River Conservation: Science, Policy and Practise, Wiley, Chichester.
Whittington, J., Coysh, J., Davies, P.M., Dyer, F., Gawne, B., Lawrence, I., Liston, P., Norris, R., Robinson, W., Thoms, M.C. (2001). Development of a Framework for the Sustainable River Audit for the Murray Darling Basin. . Report to the Murray Darling Basin Commission, 301pp.
Norris, R.N., Prosser, I., Young, B.W., Liston, P., Bauer, N., Davies, N.M., Dyer. F., Linke, S., Thoms, M.C., (2001). The assessment of river condition: An audit of the ecological condition of Australian rivers. National Land and Water Resources Audit Office, Canberra, 270pp.
Grealish, L.A., Thoms, M.C., (1999). Off campus education activities at the University of Canberra. Practical Experiences in Professional Educational, 3, 14-29.
Norris, R.N and Thoms, M.C (1999). What is river health ? Freshwater Biology, 41, 197 – 209.
Thoms, M.C., Ogden, R.W., Reid, M.A., (1999). Establishing the condition of lowland floodplain rivers. Freshwater Biology. 41, 407 – 423.
Bishop, K.A, Sainty, G., Thoms, M.C., Grant, T.R., Kelly, I. (1999). Preliminary assessment of the effect of Rocky Creek Dam on the downstream stream environment. Report to Rous County Council and NSW Public Works and Services, 325pp.
Sims, N., Thoms, M.C., Ogden, R.W (1999). Large-scale habitat mapping of the lower Balonne floodplain, Report to the Queensland Department of Natural Resources, 97 pp.
Sims, N., Thoms, M.C and Ogden, R.W (1999). Vegetation response to floodplain wetting. Report to the Queensland Department of Natural Resources, 88 pp.
Thoms, M.C. (1999). Geomorphology and environmental flows pertaining to the rivers in the Kingdom of Lesotho. Report to the World Bank. 150 pp.
Thoms, M.C (1999). The Wakefield River scientific panel assessment of environmental flow requirements: Geomorphology and environmental flows. Report to the South Australian Department of Environment, Heritage and Aboriginal Affairs, 50pp.
Thoms, M.C (1999). The Gawler River scientific panel assessment of environmental flow requirements: Geomorphology and environmental flows. Report to the South Australian Department of Environment, Heritage and Aboriginal Affairs, 55pp.
Thoms, M.C., Cottingham, P., Hart, B.T., Humphries, P., Growns, J (1999). Environmental flow strategies for the Thomson and MacAlister River systems. Report to the West Gippsland Catchment Management Authority, 125 pp.
Thoms, M.C., Norris, R.H., Williams, D.W. (1999). An environmental scan of the Namoi River system. Report to the NSW Department of Land and Water Conservation, 120 p.
Thoms, M.C., Cullen, P (1998). The impact of irrigation witdrawals on inland river systems. Australian Rangelands Journal, 20, 226-236.
Thoms, M.C (1998). Sand accumulation in a gravel bed river. in Bobrowsky, P. (ed.) Aggregate Resources: A Global Perspective, Balkemma, 157-169.
Thoms, M. C (1998) Flood plain – wetlands: Transient storage areas of sediments and pollutants. in Williams, W.D (ed.) Wetlands in a Dryland. Implications for management, Environment Australia, 205-216.
Thoms, M.C., Swirepik, J (1998). Environmental Flow Management in New South Wales, Australia. In Harding, J.K and Gilvear, D.G (eds), Hydrology in a changing environment: Volume 1, Global hydrological processes – ecological and hydrological interactions, Wiley, Chichester, 281-288.
Thoms, M.C (1998). Water resource management and bank instability along the Barwon-Darling River, In Rutherfurd I., and Marsh, N., (eds) Stream rehabilitation in Australia, CRC for Catchment Hydrology, 23-38.
Thoms, M.C (1998). Channel instability and management of the Bell River, NSW, In Rutherfurd I., and Marsh, N., (eds) Stream rehabilitation in Australia, CRC for Catchment Hydrology, 74-79.
Thoms, M.C., (1998). In situ sampling of fine grained river bed sediments. In Maher W (ed.) Sampling strategies and monitoring of freshwater systems, LWRRDC, 38-45.
Thoms, M.C (1998). The condition of the Namoi River system. Report to the NSW Department of Land and Water Conservation, 150 p.
Thoms, M.C (1998). The condition of the Gwydir River system. Report to the NSW Department of Land and Water Conservation, 120 p.
Thoms, M.C, Suter, P, Roberts, J, Koehn, J, Jones, G, Hillman, T., Close, A., (1998). River Murray Scientific Panle on Environmental Flows: River Murray from Dartmouth to Wellington and the Lower Darling, Murray Darling Basin Commission, 450p
Burgess, G.K., Thoms, M.C (1997). Environmental flow management in Queensland river systems. Australian New Zealand Hydrology & Water Resources, 24, 274-278.
Thoms, M.C (1997). The physical character of the Barwon-Darling River. In Thoms, M.C Gordon, A and Tatnell, W (eds) Researching the Barwon-Darling. CRC for Freshwater Ecology, Canberra, 34-43.
Thoms, M.C., Gordon, A (1997). Community concerns for the Barwon-Darling. In Thoms, M.C Gordon, A and Tatnell, W (eds) Researching the Barwon-Darling. CRC for Freshwater Ecology, Canberra, 125-134.
Thoms, M.C., Sheldon, F (1997). River channel complexity and ecosystem processes: the Barwon-Darling River. In, Klomp, N and Lunt, I (eds) Frontiers in Ecology: Building the Links. Melbourne, Elsevier, 193-205.
Thoms, M.C (1997). Bank erosion in the Boggabilla Weir Pool. Report to the NSW Department of Land and Water Conservation, 64 pp.
Cullen, P, Humphries, P, Thoms, M.C, Harris, J., Young, W., (1996). Environmental flow allocations – an ecological perspective. Managing Australia’s Inland Waters: Roles for Science and Technology, Prime Minister’s Science and Engineering Forum, Canberra, 54-71.
Thoms, M.C., Hillman, T.J (1996). Flow management in a large semi arid river: The Barwon-Darling River system, Australia. International Geophysical Union, 42, 2-7.
Thoms, M.C., Sheldon, F (1996). The importance of channel complexity for ecosystem processing: An example of the Barwon-Darling River. In Rutherfurd, (ed.) Stream Management in Australia, CRC for Catchment Hydrology, Melbourne, 111-118.
Thoms, M.C, Sheldon, F, Roberts, J, Harris, J., Hillman, T.J (1996): Scientific Panel report on environmental flows in the Barwon-Darling River. Report to the NSW Department of Land and Water Conservation, 325p.
Thoms, M.C (1995). Sedimentation in the Barmah Forest, International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 230, 121-130.
Thoms, M.C., Thiel, P. (1995). The impact of urbanisation on the bed sediments of South Creek. Australian Geographical Studies, 33, 31-43.
Walker, K.F., Boulton, A.J., Thoms, M.C., Sheldon, F, (1995). Distribution of littoral plants between weirs on the River Murray. Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 45, 1421-1438.
Thoms M.C (1994). A freeze-sampling method for the collection of fine grained sediments intended for geochemical analysis. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 51, 131-141.
Davies, B.R., Thoms, M.C., Walker, K.F., O’Keefe, J., Gore, J.A., (1994). Arid and semi-arid-land river ecosystems: Perspectives on ecological functioning and problems of management and conservation. in Calow, P. and Petts, G.E. (eds) Rivers Handbook, Volume 2. Blackwell Scientific, Oxford, 484-511.
Flett, D.J., Thoms, M.C (1994). Blue green algae and rivers. In Hirsch, P and Thoms, M.C., (1994). (eds): Australasian Geography in the 1990’s. NSW Geography Teachers Association, Sydney, 56-61.
Hirsch, P., Thoms, M. C., (1994). Studying geography from an Australian perspective. In In Hirsch, P and Thoms, M.C., (1994). (eds): Australasian Geography in the 1990’s. NSW Geography Teachers Association, Sydney, 1-3.
Thoms, M.C., Wem, P., Outhet, D.A. (1994). Australian Water Resources. In Hirsch, P and Thoms, M.C., (1994). (eds): Australasian Geography in the 1990’s. NSW Geography Teachers Association, Sydney, 12-20.
Thoms, M.C., Yeo, S. (1994): Bank erosion on the Bell River near Wellington. NSW Department of Water Resources, Macquarie Central West Region.250p.
Thoms, M.C., Flett, D.J (1993). Blue green algae and our degraded waterways. Geography Bulletin, 25, 172-176.
Thoms, M.C., Walker, K.F (1993). Channel changes associated with two adjacent weirs on the River Murray, South Australia. Regulated Rivers: Research and Management, 8, 271-284.
Thoms, M.C., Walker, K.F (1993). A case history of the environmental effects of flow regulation on a semi-arid lowland river: The River Murray, South Australia. Regulated Rivers: Research and Management, 8, 103-119.
Thoms M.C., Williams W.D (1993). The use of particle size distributions in saline lakes as a palaeolimnoloigcal indicator. The International Journal of Salt Lake Research, 2, 29-40.
Thoms, M.C. (1993). The accumulation of sand in a gravel substratum. in Thoms, M.C. (ed.) Catchments and Coasts in Eastern Australia, Dept. of Geography, University of Sydney, Monograph Series No 5.
Davies, B.R, Thoms, M.C., Meador, M (1992). The ecological impacts of Inter-Basin Water Transfers: A hidden threat to river conservation. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 2, 325-349.
Thoms M.C (1992). A comparison of grab- and freeze-sampling techniques in the collection of gravel-bed river sediment. Sedimentary Geology, 78, 191-200.
Thoms M.C., Walker K.F (1992). Sediment transport in the River Murray: a large semi arid regulated river system. in Robarts, R.D. and Bothwell, M.L. (eds), Aquatic ecosystems in semi-arid regions, NHRI, 239-250.
Thoms M.C., Walker K.F (1992). Morphological changes along the River Murray, South Australia. In Carling, P.A. and Petts G.E (eds) Lowland floodplain rivers: Geomorphological perspectives. Wiley, Chichester, 235-249.
Walker, K.F, Thoms, M.C., Sheldon, F (1992). Effects of weirs on the littoral environment of the River Murray, South Australia. In Boon, P.J, Calow, P and Petts, G.E (eds) River Conservation and Management, Wiley, Chichester, 271-292.
Thoms M.C., Walker K.F (1991). The environmental effects of weirs on the lower River Murray. Department of Primary Industries and Energy, Land and Water Resources Research and Development Corporation. 23pp. Cotsaris, E., Thoms, M.C. and Talbot, A. (1990): Turbidity in the River Murray. Australian Centre for Water Treatment and Water Quality Research, 25p
Thoms, M.C, James C.J, Moon B.A., Rogers K.L (1990): Environmental problems in South Africa: The need to develop practical expertise in fluvial geomorphology. South African Water Research Commission, 30p.
Petts G.E, Thoms M.C, Brittan K., Atkin B (1989). A freeze-coring technique applied to pollution by fine sediments in gravel-bed rivers. Science of the Total Environment, 84, 259-272.
Thoms M.C., Walker K.F (1989). Some preliminary observations of the environmental impact of river regulation in the River Murray, South Australia. South Australian Geographical Journal, 89, 1-14.
Walker K.F, Thoms M.C., Sheldon F.J (1989). The conservation and significance of the aquatic river-edge environment of the River Murray, South Australia. In Dendy (ed.), Conservation and Management of the River Murray: Making Conservation Count. Department of Environment and Planning, Adelaide.
Petts G.E., Thoms M.C (1987). Bar development in a regulated gravel bed river: River North Tyne, U.K. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 56-64.
Thoms M.C (1987). Channel sedimentation within the urbanised River Tame, U.K. Regulated Rivers Research and Management, 1, 229-248.
Petts G.E., Thoms M.C (1986). Channel aggradation below Chew Valley Lake, Somerset, U.K. Catena, 13, 305-320.
Petts G.E, Gilvear D.J., Thoms M.C (1985). Wave movement and water quality variations during a release from Kielder Reservoir, North Tyne, U.K. Journal of Hydrology, 3, 371-389.