Independent Collaborator
and Partner
When undertaking complex-systems research, I invest in and enjoy collaborative synergies with others – be it researchers, students or organisations.
I believe interactions between different disciplines, coupled with an adaptive learning model, is necessary to build and strengthen conceptual understanding, scientific knowledge, practical solutions and science-management partnerships.
I have prior experience putting together authorship teams, which has resulted in the development of many published works over the years.
Banner Image: Two men in a boat. There is nothing more satisfying than being in a boat on a river talking about rivers. The Lower Mississippi.
Research and Collaborator Network
I work closely with a number of individuals and organisations from across the globe – see full list here.

The Large Rivers Laboratory, Winona State University, USA

Massey University, New Zealand

Illinois Natural History Survey, Illinois, USA

USEPA, Cincinatti, USA

Murray Darlign Basin Authority, Australia

NSW Natural Resources Commission, Australia
“Martin is innovative, stimulating and a wise scientific leader, dedicated to the sustainability of the world’s river ecosystems. This dedication shows in the incredible breadth and depth of his research collaborations and record of teaching in river science.”
Dr Melissa Parsons
Institute for Rural Futures / University of New England
Floodplains are a significant feature of Australian riverine landscape that contain important natural and agricultural ecosystems. Our floodplain research attempts to unpack the interactions between these contrasting ecosystems.
Current Research Projects
Get involved in research projects spanning various topics, from the resilience of river networks, unpacking disturbances affecting global river systems to understanding flood plain responses to multiple drivers.
Research Opportunities
I welcome inquiries across a range of research opportunities – including postdoctoral, postgraduate, undergraduate, technician, volunteering and internship opportunities.
I have previously worked with the Australian Policy Makers, NGOs, Landcare Groups and various Management Agencies, and am available to provide support in a consulting and advisory role.
The Barwon Darling River Australia. The majority of Australian rivers flow through dry landscapes and as a result, they, commonly, do not confirm to text book models of river structures and functioning. We have been exploring ecosystem processes of dryland rivers for over 20 years.
Contact Martin
If you’re interested in having a chat with me, you can complete the form here or connect with me on LinkedIn.