Research Opportunities
Inquiries about research opportunities in the lab are always welcome.
I appreciate independent thinkers who have an interest in interdisciplinary research on riverine landscapes. Students with strong quantitative skills, interests in both fundamental and applied research and strong field experience with a commitment to enjoying their research are always welcome. Support for graduate students comes from a mixture of APA’s, international scholarships and industry based project funding.
You can read more about my Postgraduate Program here, and please contact me about current opportunities.
Postdoctoral positions are advertised as they become available. I always welcome inquiries from potential post-docs. In addition to opportunities supported by my grants, two other potential funding mechanisms can be explored. First, through various fellowship programs addressing river science. These programs provide an ideal opportunity for you to pursue a research project of your own design in collaboration with me and practitioner. The second option is to work with me on a major grant proposal that would include post-doc funding for you. If appropriate, you would have the opportunity to serve as a co-PI on the proposal.
There are a variety of opportunities for undergraduate students to get involved in our research group. Previously, I have enjoyed mentoring undergraduate assistants on field projects in the Murray – Darling Basin and Mississippi River, as well as in the laboratory. I expect a lot of my students, but in return I do my best to facilitate their professional development and life experience. If you are interested in gaining research experience, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I particularly encourage students to join the group early in their undergrad years, allowing them to work their way up the ladder of independence and scientific sophistication. Ideally, after a few years of gaining new skills and hearing about various projects, I would be delighted to sponsor senior thesis projects. In any case, I am always happy to advise my undergraduate students on pursuing graduate school or the career path of their choice.
There are occasionally paid research technician positions in the lab. These positions are advertised as they become available.
Volunteer and Internships
Volunteering and interning are great ways to gain experience and get your foot in the door!