Collaborator Network


Research Lab (Alumni)

Dr. Graeme Esslemont

Ms. Kattis Jonson

Ms. Edwina Mesley

Ms. Orla Murray

Dr. Rachael Nanson

Dr. Ralph Ogden

Dr. Melissa Parsons

Dr. Fan Sheldon

Dr. Scott Rayburg

Dr. Michael Reid

PhD Students (Current)

Eissa Alshammari
The resilience of urban system to climate change.

Sagar Bajracharya
Ecosystem goods and services of the Koshi Basin.

Louis Bouchet
The resilience of Pacific Island groundwater systems.

Nipa Chaki
The response of floodplain ecosystems to inundation.

Siobhan Davies 
Aboriginal water rights: the economics of cultural flows.

Preetika Singh
Impact of climate change on land-ocean interactions in Deltas: effects of changing precipitation and rising sea levels on flooding in Nadi.

Brett Subritzky
Achieving resilience for Qatar’s public transport system.

Master’s Students (Current)

Gary Edwards 
Channel change in the lower Bell River.

PhD Students (Alumni)

Sahar Darabi Shahmari
2021, Analysis of river ecogeomorphic changes with an emphasis on bed stability (A case study: Taleghan River). Doctor of Philosophy – The University of Teheran.

Jason DeBoer
2020, Floodplain-river fishes, fluvial geomorphology, anthropogenic disturbance and ecosystem restoration. Doctor of Philosophy – The University of New England.

Rebecca Kreiling
2019, Sediment nutrient dynamics in a river network of a modified landscape. Doctor of Philosophy, Chancellors Medal – The University of New England.

Bruce Murray
2019, ater, wing or wind? Spatial patterns of genetic variation reveal different dispersal and persistence mechanisms in large woody perennial plants of Australian dryland river systems. Doctor of Philosophy – The University of New England.

Isaac Addo
2018, Applying behavioural strategies to promote household water conservation practises. Doctor of Philosophy – The University of New England.

Adrian Matheson
2017, The Ecohydrology of Large Wood in a Dryland River, Australia. Doctor of Philosophy – The University of New England.

Glynis Orr
2017, Drivers of Tropical Cyclone Induced Flooding. Doctor of Philosophy – The University of New England.

Craig McLoughlin
2016, Reflexive learning in the practise of adaptive freshwater management. Doctor of Philosophy – The University of New England – cum laude.

Christopher Rogers
2015, A conceptual model for Anostracan biogeography. Doctor of Philosophy – The University of New England – cum laude.

Murray Scown
2015, The complexity of floodplain landscapes. Doctor of Philosophy – The University of New England – Chancellors Medal.

Rajesh Thapa
2015, Floodplain vegetation productivity: Application of Adaptive Cycles. Doctor of Philosophy – The University of New England – Griffith Taylor Prize

Shaun Collins
2014, Comparing hypotheses proposed by two conceptual models for stream ecology. Doctor of Philosophy – University of Cincinnati, Ohio.

Kevin Wilkinson
2014, The ecohydrology and restoration of an enclosed estuarine wetland. Doctor of Philosophy – The University of New England.

Rajendra Shilpakar
2013, Floodplain vegetation landscapes: An ecotone or patch mosaic. Doctor of Philosophy – The University of New England – Griffith Taylor Prize

Victor Hughes
2010, Channel morphology, large woody debris. Doctor of Philosophy – University of Canberra.

Amina Price
2009, Fish recruitment of selected river habitats. Doctor of Philosophy – University of Canberra.

Heather McGinness
2008, Connectivity and fragmentation of river floodplain systems. Doctor of Philosophy – University of Canberra.

Craig Boys
2008, Native fish habitat association in a large dryland river system. Doctor of Philosophy – University of Canberra.

Cathy Francis
2006, Wetland river interactions. Doctor of Philosophy – University of Canberra.

Louisa Oswald
2005, In situ toxicity testing. Doctor of Philosophy – University of Canberra.

Neil Sims
2004, Floodplain hydrological processes. Doctor of Philosophy – University of Canberra.

Mark Southwell
2009, River floodplain exchanges. Doctor of Philosophy – University of Canberra.

Lisa Evans
2003, Riparian vegetation distribution, disturbance and regeneration in the SE Murray-Darling Basin. Doctor of Philosophy – University of Canberra.

Kylie Peterson
2003, Juvenile fish recruitment. Doctor of Philosophy – University of Canberra.

Melissa Spry
2003, The regolith and landscape evolution of a low relief landscape. Cobar, central NSW, Australia. Doctor of Philosophy – University of Canberra.

Melissa Parsons
2001, Physical and ecological interactions in freshwater ecosystems. Doctor of Philosophy – University of Canberra.

Daniel Martens
1996, Activated waste water removal. Doctor of Philosophy – University of Sydney.

Neil Hamilton
1995, Placer deposits of the Mid Coast of NSW. Doctor of Philosophy – University of Sydney.

Masters Student (Alumni)

Ethan Sorenson
2017, Hydro geomorphology and floodplain fishes. Master of Science – Winona State University, Minnesota.

Nevenka Bulovic
2013, Restoring longitudinal connectivity of stream networks in the Hunter catchment. Master of Science – The University of New England.

Munique Webb 
2011, Hydrological connectivity and food web complexity. Master of Science – University of Canberra.

Robert Cossart
2009, Environmental history of the Narran Lakes Ecosystem. Master of Science – University of Canberra.

Teresa Rose
1999, In-stream response to flow regulation in the Snowy River. Master of Science – University of Canberra.

Martin Bergs 
1994, Sedimentology of offshore sand deposits in New South Wales. Master of Science – University of Sydney.

Honours Student (Alumni)

Stephen Chilcott
2011, Sedimentation with floodplain refugia. The University of New England – 1st class honours.

Bruce Murray
2011, Variability Response Strategies of Two Woody Perennial Floodplain Plant Species: Tangled Lignum (Muehlenbeckia -florulenta) & River Cooba (Acacica stenophylla). The University of New England – 1st class honours.

Murray Scown
2011, The physical structure of stream networks: Spatial organisation of river types in the Kimberley Region. The University of New England – 1st class honours.

Alison Cowood 
2009, Connectivity within riverine landscapes. University of Canberra – 1st class honours

Kate Holland
2009, Floodplain vegetation responses. University of Canberra – 2nd class division one Honours.

Tom Breen
2003, Restoration of lowland rivers. University of Canberra – 2nd class division one Honours.

Erin Lenon
2003, Hydrological change in the Barwon Darling Basin. University of Canberra – 2nd class division one Honours.

Mark Southwell
2002, Connectivity in anabranching lowland rivers.  University of Canberra – 1st class honours.

Jason Theim
2002, The role of large woody debris as habitat in the Darling River.  University of Canberra – 1st class honours.

Shannon Brennan
2001, Source and spatial distribution of sediment in the Condamine Balonne catchment. University of Canberra – 1st class honours

Sarah Cartwright
2001, Zooplankton emergence from floodplain sediments: The influence of hydrology and geomorphology.  University of Canberra – 1st class honours – University Medal.

Vic Hughes
2001, River channel morphology and large woody debris associations in the River Murray.  University of Canberra – 1st class honours.

Mathew O’Brien 
2001, Sedimentation in the Moruya river estuary. 1st class honours – University Medal.

Margot Biggin
2000, Sediment transport in a semi arid river. University of Canberra – 1st class honours.

Peter Brunner
2000, The morphology of an anastomosing river system. University of Canberra – 2nd class division one Honours.

Andrew Pinner
2000, Floodplain heavy metal hotspots. University of Canberra – 2nd class division one Honours.

Kate Roberts
2000, The effects of drought on the community structure of stream macro invertebrates. University of Canberra – 2nd class division one Honours.

Nerida Davies
1999, Habitat characterisation by catchment parameters. University of Canberra – 1st class honours – University Medal.

Pat Levings
1999, Influence of flooding on floodplain vegetation. University of Canberra – 2nd class division one Honours.

Oscar Mamalai
1999, River channel changes in the Barwon Darling River. University of Canberra – 2nd class division one.

Heather McGinness
1999, Carbon storage in floodplains. University of Canberra – 1st class honours.

Julie Coysh
1998, Invertebrate colonisation pathways in a gravel bed river. University of Canberra – 1st class honours.

Phillip Sloane
1996, An evaluation of current rapid biological assessment approaches. 2nd class division one.

Neil Sims 
1996, The watering requirements of the Great Cumbung Swamp, NSW.  University of Canberra – 1st class honours.

Justine Harris
1995, The impact of flow regulation on algae communities. University of Sydney – 2nd class division one honours.

Alison Wright 
1995, Heavy metal dispersal below a mine. University of Sydney – 1st class honours awarded – University Medal.

Jennifer Bradford 
1994, The impact of flow regulation on a gravel bed river. University of Sydney – 1st class honours.

Gillian Dawson
1994, Sedimentation in the Pambula River. University of Sydney – 2nd class division two honours.

Richard Mc Manus
1993, Ecological economics and development in the Hawkesbury-Nepean catchment. University of Sydney – 2nd class division one honours.

Mark Simons 
1993, The distribution of heavy metals on the Hawkesbury River floodplain. University of Sydney – 2nd class division one honours.

Graham Sinden 
1993, Water quality sampling strategies for urban waterways. University of Sydney – 1st class honours.

Peter Thiel
1993, The impact of urbanisation on the bed sediments of South Creek. University of Sydney – 2nd class division one honours.

Bruce Dixon
1992, Bed sediment sorting in Mullet Creek. University of Sydney – 2nd class division one honours.

Eleanor Jensen
1992, Freshwater wetland vegetation and catchment disturbance. University of Sydney – 2nd class division one honours.

Edmund Lee 
1992, Hydrological and morphological change in the Macquarie Marshes. University of Sydney – 2nd class division one honours.

Christopher Parker
1992, Heavy metals in the sediments of the Hawkesbury Valley. University of Sydney – 1st class one honours.

Stephen Yeo
1992, Channel changes in the Bell River near Wellington, New South Wales. University of Sydney – 1st class one honours.

Nadia Frischknecht
1991, Impacts of transmission lines on vegetation and soils. University of Sydney – 1st class honours.

Linda Perkins
1991, The impact of flow regulation on the Namoi River. University of Sydney – 2nd class division two honours.

International Collaborators

Professor Thomas Hein
Austria | BOKU

Professor Mike Stone
Canada | University of Waterloo

Professor Evelyn Habit
Chile | University of Concepcion

Dr. XY Cheng
China | Beijing Normal

Professor Jianbo Chang
China | Institute for Eco hydrology

Dr. Christian Wolter
Germany | Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology

Professor Paul Wood
Great Britain | Loughborough University

Professor Andy Large
Great Britain | Newcastle University

Professor David Gilvear
Great Britain | Plymouth University

Professor Adrian Collins
Great Britain | Rothamsted Research Institute

Professor Geoff Petts
Great Britain | University of Westminster

Professor Ian Maddock
Great Britain | University of Worcester

Professor Takashi Asaeda
Japan | University of Tokyo

Dr. Matts Erikson
Nepal | ICIMOD

Professor Gary Brierley
New Zealand | University of Auckland

Professor Ian Fuller
New Zealand | Massey University

Professor Russell Death
New Zealand | Massey University

Dr. Barry Biggs
New Zealand | NIWA

Associate Professor Kevin Collier
New Zealand | University of Waikato

Dr. Murray Scown
Sweden | Lund University

Dr. Kattis Jonson
Sweden | University of Stockholm

Professor Denis Hughes
South Africa | Rhodes University

Professor Chris James
South Africa | University of Witwatersrand

Professor Kevin Rogers
South Africa | University of Witwatersrand

Professor. Gene Likens
United States | Institute for Ecosystem Studies

Professor Jim Thorp
United States | University of Kansas

Dr. Chris Rogers
United States | University of Kansas

Dr. Sean Collins
United States | Lees MacRae College

Professor Andy Casper
United States | University of Illinois

Dr. Diane Whited
United States | University of Montana

Professor Cliff Ochs
United States | University of Mississippi

Dr. Patty Beyer
United States | University of Pennsylvania

Professor Dave Butler
United States | Texas State University

Professor Kimberly Meitzen
United States | Texas State University

Professor Jason Julian
United States | Texas State University

Dr. Joe Flotemersch
United States | USEPA

Dr. Bill Richardson
United States | USGS

Dr. Mike Finen
United States | USGS

Dr. Nate DeJaeger
United States | USGS

Professor Mike Delong
United States | Winona State

Professor Roger Haro
United States | University of Wisconsin